Dedicated to a Better Future
The residents at Casa de las Campanas take pride in sharing their blessings and skills with the wider community. Their generous spirit extends far beyond the bounds of our own not-for-profit community to reach a wide assortment of their neighbors in Rancho Bernardo and farther.
“The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves.”
– Helen Keller
Just a Few Examples
Casa residents partner with Interfaith Community Services to provide meals to homeless men and women in our area each week. Talented residents knit and crochet hats for premature babies at the local military hospital. New residents bring their passions and continually find their neighbors are more than willing to help.
Founded by teachers, Casa de las Campanas still believes in investing in the future of our broader community. Casa Residents for Education (CRE) sponsor an annual scholarship drive as well as provide support to local schools.
If you’d like to find out more about the philanthropic activities at Casa, complete the contact form.