Casa Resident Teaching the Art of Winning Sweepstakes

Steve and his wife Pat at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival, a trip he won from a sweepstake.
Spend enough time online, and you’ll come across some kind of sweepstakes offering you a chance to win a prize. Most of us pay no mind, but Casa resident Steve d’Adolf has been entering and winning sweepstakes for the past 40 years. He’s won incredible prizes, including 292 trips and a seat at four Superbowl games. His passion for sweepstakes isn’t about winning, but the challenge presented with the hobby and giving back to others.
“It’s a numbers game and I love figuring out the statistics behind each sweepstake,” said Steve. “It’s more complex than just entering; it’s about finding the right contest. Entering sweepstakes keeps my mind engaged and it’s a fun way to spend my time.”
Steve dedicates around seven hours a day to “sweepstaking” and enters 300 to 400 sweepstakes daily. But it’s not just for his benefit. Steve has been donating some of his winnings to his neighbors and the Activities Department at the community. He won a year supply of popcorn and has been giving it to the residents for their enjoyment. He even won a sweepstake with the prize being a Mariachi band rental, which he donated to Casa for our yearly Cinco de Mayo party.
With so much knowledge about sweepstakes, Steve has been coaching five of his neighbors on how to play and win. The group meets for lunch to research contests all over the United States. Because of Steve’s guidance, resident Dale Douglass has won a trip and a multi-thousand-dollar prize. It’s been a great way to stay connected and busy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Every year, an estimated 55 million Americans enter some kind of sweepstakes, which is why Steve loves the challenge. It’s proven that spending time doing the things that we enjoy can help delay signs of aging and the pleasure of participating can lead to positive feelings that can help fight against some illnesses.
Read more about Steve and his unique interest in sweepstakes in The San Diego-Union Tribune.